• About Ridgecrest

    Is your family moving to Phenix City?  Do you have a child or children in grades kindergarten through fifth grade? Welcome! If you are not sure which school your child will attend, contact the Phenix City School District Administrative Office at (334) 298-0534 for attendance area information. For directions to Ridgecrest Elementary, phone the school at (334) 298-3004.


    Kindergarten through Fifth


    Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Alabama Accreditation System

    Partners in Education

    Epworth United Methodist Church
    Girlfriend’s Catering
    The Money Store
    M&M Hunting
    Gaines Chapel Church

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are your Resources for At-Risk Students?

    Our resources for at-risk students include RTI, Child Find, ELL, Gifted Education and our Guidance Program.

    What is RTI?

    The Response To Intervention (RTI) team has been created to address students who may be at risk or not experiencing school success and may be in danger of school failure. Call the school office for more information, (334) 298-3004.

    What is Child Find?

    Child Find is a statewide effort by the State Department of Education and the Department of Rehabilitation Services to locate, identify, and evaluate children with disabilities from birth to age 21. Early Intervention and Special Education Services work closely with community service agencies, parents and local school systems to locate children with disabilities. 

    Why Is Child Find Important?

    It helps the child, the family, and the provider to plan appropriate services and link families to
    services for students meeting eligibility requirements in the following areas:

    Hearing Impairment 
    Speech and Language Impairment
    Visual Impairment
    Mental Retardation 
    Specific Learning Disabilities
    Multiple Disabilities 
    Orthopedic Impairment 
    Traumatic Brain Injury
    Other Health Impairment 
    Developmental Delay
    Emotional Disturbance

    What is the ELL Program?

    The ELL (English Language Learner) program emphasizes mastery of English language skills and content area concepts for students who do not speak English as their primary language and who are English learners (EL). This enables the student to participate effectively in the regular academic program. For more information, contact Phenix City Schools at (334) 298-0534.

    What is the Gifted Education Program?

    Phenix City Schools recognize that all students identified as gifted in our system have the right to an appropriate education that provides educational interventions which sustain, challenge and ensure continued growth. The Phenix City School's gifted education program is designed to identify students who demonstrate high intellectual capacity, high academic proficiency, and /or exceptional talent in expression or leadership. This program includes specific measures designed to identify culturally diverse gifted students and ensures that no student will be excluded from either referral or participation in the gifted program because of behavior.
    For information, contact Phenix City Schools at (334) 298-0534.

    What are your Registration Requirements?

    In order to register each child you must have:
    1. A certified Birth Certificate with raised seal (not a copy)
    2. A Social Security Card
    3. A current immunization certificate issued by the state of Alabama (IMM50)
    4. Current proof of residence showing they live within the Ridgecrest district.  Proof can be shown by one of the following: Rent Receipt, Utility Bill, or Lease Agreement.
    *Migrant, Homeless, and ELL students are exempt from these requirements. 

    What are the school hours?

    School is in session from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Students may arrive anytime after 7:15 AM.  They are considered late after 8:00 AM. Students should be picked up from school no later than 3:20 PM.

    Can my child use a backpack?

    Yes! But we prefer it to be CLEAR or MESH. We recommend mesh because it seems to last longer.

    What supplies do I need to purchase?

    The supply list is available at the school office. In addition, each parent/guardian will be given a supply list at registration. 

    Can I get a copy of the lunch menu?

    Click here for a copy of the menu.

    What is the price of lunch and breakfast?

    Student breakfast is free.
    Student lunch is free.
    Many a la carte items will be available daily including healthy snacks, ice cream, additional entrees, and specialty items.
    Employee Lunch:  $3.50
    Non-employee Lunch:  $4.00
    MySchoolBucks is the payment method.

    Can you tell me about the dress code?

    For detailed information, please refer to the Student/Parent Handbook, page 11.

    What should I do if my child is absent?

    Always send a written excuse with your child on the day he or she returns to school. Each child is allowed 10 excused absences per year - this does not include a doctor's excused absence. If your child is absent more than 10 days with a written excuse or 3 days without an excuse, you and your child may be referred to the Alabama Early Warning Truancy Program as established by the court system of Alabama. It is important that your child be present at school as much as possible.

    What if I have other questions?

    We are always happy to answer your questions. Please contact the school office at (334) 298-3004.