Meadowlane Elementary

Schools of Inquiry, Innovation, and Impact

MES Announcements


    Phenix City Schools will complete our Registration and Enrollment processes virtually this year. All students, new and returning, must complete Virtual Registration or Re-Identification, as well as the individual School Virtual Enrollment Forms by July 15. Failure to complete all paperwork could postpone student scheduling, free/reduced meal status, and/or transportation.

    Enrollment Information (including links, FAQ, and more)

    Step One:  School Enrollment Forms  This includes all school-specific forms you would normally complete at one of the July Registration events (transportation for the first week of school, Title 1 Compacts, and submission of proof of residence, shot record, etc.).

    Step Two:  PowerSchool Enrollment. This includes all Back to School district forms (Homeless/Residency Questionnaire, Demographic Updates, etc.).  If you already completed this portion when it opened in April, move on to Step Two!

    Optional Step Three

    Important Links For Parents

    Parent/Guardian Contact Information Update

    If you are not receiving notifications from Phenix City Schools, please complete the Parent/Guardian Contact Information Update. Please note, that this form is for contacting the primary parent/guardian(s) of our students and not for Emergency Contacts.  You will be able to complete Emergency Contact information during our Returning Student Registration.


    Home is the first point of the screening continuum.  PCS will educate and support families on identifying the symptoms that indicate students and staff must stay at home.  Families should self-report symptoms of illness, which could include fever, new-onset cough, etc.  Please report any symptoms and/or active infections to

    Military Families 

    Information on this web page is intended to assist our military families as they transition to PCS and to provide resources for military families whose children are enrolled in PCS.


    Parent's Right to Know

    “Phenix City Schools values parents and guardians partnership in their children’s education and welcome any to contact their children’s teacher(s) for details pertaining to adopted curricula, non-adopted supplementary resources, and available classroom books as detailed in annual pacing guides, lesson plans, and/or class informational syllabi.”

         For more information, see Parent Resources.

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