Media Specialist: Alice Ann Hall
Email: alice.hall@pcboe.net
The mission of the Meadowlane Elementary School Library Media Program is to ensure that all students and staff have the information, tools, skills and opportunities they need to solve problems, achieve and grow.
Library Hours Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 8:30-2:30
Meadowlane Elementary School Library will:
Provide books, media, technology and other tools to support academic and recreational learning.
Provide instruction and experience in effectively locating, evaluating and using information (Information Literacy Skills) and navigating the online world safely, effectively and ethically (Digital Citizenship Skills).
Provide enrichment activities and programs to encourage lifelong learning, collaboration, and problem solving.
To provide resources and instruction that will empower users to read for pleasure, explore ideas and solve problems, engage ethically in the global community, and share understandings in new ways
Read, Learn, Create, Share
Technology Issues
If you experience problems with your chromebook during remote learning, please click on the link below and fill out a help ticket. Someone will respond and you should receive an email response with information within 24 hours.
Technology Troubleshooting