Mrs. Nikita Sellers, School Social Worker
Hello! My name is Nikita Sellers. I am no stranger to the community or school district, as I am a Central High School graduate. My Master’s in Counseling is from Troy University, and I have a background of working with youths in schools, providing counseling and Mental Health Services. I also have a background of working with at-risk youths in the community and those who have been placed in the custody of DFACS and DJJ.
As a Phenix City Schools social worker, I am responsible for supporting students and advocating for their emotional and mental wellbeing. My services include counseling students and connecting at-risk youth with helpful resources. I also work very hard to promote the general well-being of students, collaborate with outside agencies to provide support to families, and maximize coping skills for students in difficult situations.
I provide these services to two schools - Phenix City Intermediate School, and South Girard. I look forward to working with you to assist the students and their families during these difficult times we are facing. I BELIEVE in meeting the kids where they are, and I hope you can, too.
Best Regards,
Mrs. Sellers