A Message from Our Principal

Welcome to the Phenix City Elementary School (PCES) website. It is a tremendous honor to be named the principal of PCES. I look forward to creating lifelong relationships within the school community and creating an inviting school atmosphere conducive for success. Phenix City Elementary School is the GREATEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON THE PLANET! I am blessed with this opportunity to positively affect the lives of every person I encounter, and I plan to do just that with teachers, students, and parents alike.
My vision for Phenix City Elementary School is to foster an atmosphere where students, parents, staff, and community work together to create a family environment for our learners. We will be a school that inspires EXCELLENCE in academics, leadership, and collaboration coupled with a world-class education. My personal motto is “If I EXCEL and you EXCEL then we EXCEL together!” We, PCES, as a school community will EXCEL by:
E- Eliminating Excuses
X- X-ray our attitudes
C- (Measure the) Costs of greatness
E- Exceed the expectations
L- Live, Learn, and Love
Together, we will become a beacon of support and light for students and community. We will strive to be a premier school in Alabama. A place to be proud of and every student can call home.
Parental collaboration is crucial to our success. I am a strong dad and encourage the involvement of dads within the school setting. There will be consistent efforts to intertwine male involvement within the fabric of our school utilizing social/civic leaders and fraternities along with other groups. Parents are their child’s first and best teachers. True collaboration takes time and training. We will be intentional about making this a reality at PCES. Everyone and everything is important. It takes a village.
Let’s look forward to the greatest experiences of our lives together.
Dr. Jake Golden, IV