PCES Clubs and Activities
Award Ceremonies - students are recognized each 9 weeks for their hard work and classroom effort. Award ceremonies are celebrated by the faculty, staff, and parents from each homeroom. For more information, check the website calendar or with your student's teacher. (Led by the Student Recognition Committee)
Chromebooks - we are 1:1 in all classrooms - each student has a Chromebook (laptop) to use during class. The electronic devices contribute to each student's classroom success.
Empower Hour - each month our counselors or organizations within our community provide training for parents. Topics include: bullying, homework help, etc. (Led by PCES Counselors)
Family Game Nights, STEM night, Literacy Night - our school provides numerous activities throughout the year for parents and guardians to participate in fun educational activities with their students. These activities bring the community and school together. Check our website calendar for our upcoming events!
Foster Grandparents - our foster grandparent program is a vital part of each classroom. They assist the teachers on a daily basis and develop lasting relationships with each student. PCES loves our foster grandparents!
LADS - Leaders, Achievers, Determined, Successful. LADS is a boys' club that is designed to provide mentoring in the areas of leadership, positive self-esteem, academic and behavioral success, and community services. LADS is open to all boys at PCES in grades 3-5. - led by Dr. Williams
Math Team - our math team is composed of 4th and 5th grade students and led by Mrs. Shoultz and Mr. Riles. Throughout the year, students get a chance to compete against other schools in our area. Our team has won numerous times.
Mr. and Miss PCES - each year students in 5th grade compete for nominations to be named Mr. and Miss PCES. These students must display leadership potential and must not have any disciplinary infractions. The competition will begin in February.
Principal's Advisory Committee (PAC) - The purpose of the Principal’s Advisory Committee (PAC) is to have a stagnant focus group of students to share information with Mrs. Averett about their learning and social experiences at Phenix City Elementary School. The discussions will also be linked to the staff development being conducted in the building. This group will also share suggestions and feedback about maintaining and enhancing the school for all students. This group is in order to build positive relationships with student leaders in the building.
PCES-TV - Our in-house TV show airs on Monday mornings. 3rd through 5th grade students provide announcements for our students by participating in the Creative Writing and Publishing Club. (Led by Mr. Dunkle)
Robotics Team - Our PCES Robotics Team competes in STEM challenges against other schools is our district. Through this team, each student's problem-solving and technology skills are tested and developed as they prepare for future STEM education and careers.
Safety Hawks - funded through a grant provided by the Phenix City Education Foundation, the Safety Hawks help keep our hallways safe and guide visitors around our school during school functions and events. They are very noticeable and wear safety vests when on duty and are led by our counselors.
Updated: Nov. 2019