Child Nutrition Program

  • The operation of the Child Nutrition Program is a cooperative effort involving the superintendent, central office staff, principals, cafeteria managers, assistant managers, employees, teachers, students, parents, and the community. Every employee is responsible to the Federal and State governments and administration governments at the local level. The National School Food and Nutrition Program is to provide a nutritious breakfast and lunch for children. The program supplies free and reduced-priced meals for economically deprived children.  Meals meet at least 2/3 of the recommended daily dietary allowances, help develop sound food habits, and are the most extensive program in applied nutrition. It helps build alert, healthy citizens, and teaches social graces.  

    The Child Nutrition Program is operated according to the National School Lunch Act regulations and regulations of the Alabama State Department of Education and the Phenix City Board of Education. The mission of the Phenix City Schools CNP is to be a part of the education process of Phenix City Schools by providing students with nutritious meals and nutrition education experiences that promote healthy children ready to learn. Our Child Nutrition Program has three goals: to provide attractive, nutritious, well-balanced meals for every child and staff member in the Phenix City Schools, to work toward providing a nutritional analysis of each meal served, and to positively promote the CNP to school and the community.  


School Lunch Prices

  • Phenix City Schools offer free breakfast and lunch to every student, grades K-12.

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Nutritional Info - Updated Feb 2023

  • Non Discrimination Statement