• School Liaison Officers
    Support Military Families and Students with Resources


    School Liaison Officers (SLOs) provide a number of services that help military families and students. Their area of expertise is in the area of education working with schools (including public and private schools) and easing transitions.

    What Do They Do

    • Provide transition support for military families

    • Inform parents about local school policies and procedures

    • Conduct workshops and help schools understand the challenges military families and students face

    • Provide information about graduation requirements and school programs

    • Help parents advocate for their children

    • Provide resources to help both parents and students navigate through school

    • Facilitate understanding of the Military Interstate Children's Compact

    • Provide information about college and other post-secondary opportunities

    • Assists families with the High School Senior Stabilization to delay a change of duty station to allow students to complete their senior year of high school

    • Provides local resources and programs to assist military families and students, such as Youth Sponsorship, Army Ready and Resilient, and Partnerships in Education.

                                         School Liaison Officers

    Ethan Branch
    School Liaison Officer
    Child and Youth Services Division
    Family and MRW
    Building 85, 6850 Barron Avenue
    Fort Moore, GA  319050
    Office: (706) 545-3062
    Cell: (706) 681-7010

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